cadcorp SIS


SIS is the definitive suite of mapping and GIS for Windows 95 and NT! SIS provides a complete map management system, full drafting capabilities for map editing, a comprehensive data manager to link your graphics to databases, and a full set of ActiveX Control and Active Server Component application development tools.

SIS is a product by cadcorp Ltd ( )

Map Viewer

Is an intuitive applicaiton to view and print over 30 GIS data formats with additional thematic display capabilities

Map Manager

is the entry level GIS application to capture, edit, manipulate, view analyse and export spatial information.  Using powerfull Wizards to guide the user through spatial searching, thematic presentation and printing. Map Manager is the ideal application for a departmental GIS

Map Editor

is a professional GIS which offers all the capabilities of Map Manager with extended data capture and editing tools along with advanced spatial and topological analysis.   Map Editor is designed for the requirements of an enterprise wide GIS

Map Modeller

Map Modeller extenst Map Editor with three dimensional capabilities including surface generation, extrusion, DEM support, image draping and OpenGl Visualisation.  Map modeller is the flagship product within the Cadcorp SIS suite, designed for advanced GIS visualisation and analysis.