

TenderCentre  is a web based application for use by estimators and tenderers for the management of competitive tenders before and during construction

Builders can:

manage their subcontractor database.  The easy access allows Estimators to keep their database information up to date

Search for new subcontractors by trade, project size and location

Publish tenders for a project or by trade. Private tenders invite submissions only from selected subcontractors. Public tenders invite submissions from all contractors in the trade and geographic location

Publish tender documents on-line for subcontractors to access and view.   Swift nmotification of a subcontracto5rs intention to submit or decline an invitation is delivered to the estimator

Sub-Contractors can

Maintain their contact information sot hat beilders have their latest contact details and prefered trades

Publish a resume of completed work including trades, project types and geographic locations

Be notified of tenders that may be of interest and search for new tenders on their trades.

View tender documents on line prior to expressing an interest in tendering.

This application has been deveoped and written by CADX Pty Ltd which Carr Consulting distributes and supports in south Australia. For further information contact Carr Consulting direct.