Adelaide Outriggers Mail Server


The mail server provides a convenient way of sending email to all Adelade Outrigger   members without all the mucking about with recipients

The method of running the server is simple:

Will allow the user to Subscribe to the mailing list.
The user will be sent a Confirmation Message which they must click Reply to
This confirms that the user REALLY wants to join the List. and the list is
not being Hi-jacked by another Internet User.
Once Confirmed, the user will receive the Welcome Message

Once a user is a member they can send email to this address.
Their message will be sent to all the members of the mailing list.

To Unsubscribe the users sends an email to this address

Returns the list of subjects from the last 100 messages sent to the list.

Returns a specific range of message subjects (eg: 55 to 150)

Return the full text of the last 10 messages.
Returns the full text of a specific message (eg: 77)

If you have any problems contact